
Unfortunately, the vocal minority is usually the entitled shits that complain about everything. You should know that most of your viewers are extremely appreciative of what you do and your insane consistency. I always look forward to coming home from work and having your stream on all day in the background on a second monitor, whether i play my own games or just watch.

You are naturally very entertaining and I definitely watch you for who you are and not the games you play.

As for the 'streaming is not a real Job topic' it's a complete Bull statement. You entertain thousands of people every day. I have done my fair share of streaming (albeit 50-200viewers) and I can definitely understand how its metally and physically draining to have all eyes on you for 7-9 hours a day. I think its less draining to get yelled at in retail by customers (warranty departementet) rather than streaming, and I had no where near the pressure you have. A streamer is an entertainer, if people want to watch it, it's a real Job.

Take a long vacation, your viewers are going nowhere.

/r/DatGuyLirik Thread