What are your thoughts on Christianity?

I am not religious as I do not follow the Christian faith or any other religion for that matter. As I stated in my comment above Christianity isn't for me however I do not have a problem with anyone who follows the Christian faith as long as they're not a religious nutcase.

Neither of my comments were an attempt to attack non-Christian redditors. The only thing I did was point out the pretentious attitudes and superiority complexes many non religious redditors have over their religious counterparts. Yes I'm aware that many non religious redditors have had negative experiences with religion however my problem is that some of you use this as a justification vilify religious types and shit on their faiths while you will hypocritically complain about religious types vilifying you in the process.

Yes I have a persecution complex for simply acknowledging the shitty behaviors some redditors display towards people who are religious. Simply stating you are religious or quoting a verse from the bible, quran, etc is literally enough to get you downvoted to oblivion on many mainstream subreddits and have hordes of smug redditors ready to lecture you on why you're a drooling imbecile for believing in magical sky daddy and that your religion is solely to blame for all the world's problems and that the world would be a better place if people like you and your faith were removed from society.

You accuse me of having a holier than thou mindset over non-Christians when you are literally trying to paint a dishonest narrative about me on the ex Christian subreddit.

"I don't care if this comment gets me banned from r/GenZ, it needs to be said."

This is literally you trying to portray yourself as a brave intellectual juggernaut while trying to dishonestly portray me as an ignorant bible thumping asshole trying to attack those pesky non believers. You intentionally ONLY posted my second comment so you can sell this image to your fellow ex Christians so that they will jump to your defense, stroke your fragile little ego, and applaud you for standing up to those pesky Christians. That is like me screenshotting your comment and then posting it on /r/redditmoment while trying to dishonestly portray you as another pretentious reddit atheist trying to attack religious people. Also the fact that you felt the need to highlight the fact that I am an active user on /r/foreveralone just lets me know that you went through my profile in order to see if I post in any controversial subs that you can use against me as cannon fodder and dismiss any points I attempt to make. Yet I'm the one with a holier than thou mindset. Lol get the fuck outta here.

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