What is the avg pay for an entry level job at a RIA family firm?

If you have your own, you can bring them but edelman’s whole company is built to generate business for their planners. They have branches throughput the country with financial planners in them with large books of 100-200 clients each, some with MUCH more.

Investment advisors in their national advisor center (in Phoenix) are paid to take inbound calls for their 401k management arm of the company and in doing so, help retain current AUM, generate new assets for them to manage in their 401k area and layups for their planners.

Who do you call?

If you’re an outbound business development rep, you call clients with money in their 401k to do a retirement review. 10-15 min call where you try to prove they need to stop managing another account they have else they won’t retire. Obvi, fiduciary recommendations only (noncommissioned, bonuses by on referrals).

If you’re a planner, you only call current clients and prospects that have appointments scheduled to ensure they bring proper documentation. All appointments scheduled for you. You get .1% of all assets under management and significant bonuses for performing well.

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