What is the craziest thing that's ever happened to you?

When I was in either 6th-7th grade, I walked out in my great grandmas back yard (surrounded by cornfields and one long road) after school and saw this huge triangular shaped grey object rotating slowly and silently pretty high up but directly above the old chicken coops. I was confused and in awe. As I stared at it, it began and maintained a slow gracefully slow speed (it was like it didn’t have to start at 1mph it was just moving at that speed right away) toward of the opposite end of the yard. Lowering its altitude slightly as well while maintaining the rotation speed it had when it was only rotating/hovering. Once it got to the cornfield/end of yard it stayed for a few seconds then took the fuck off. Never seen or experienced anything close to it. There was no sound…

Can’t explain this but I’m tearing up with goosebumps typing this, I’ve never really made a deal of it or told anyone other than my grandma.

/r/AskReddit Thread