On how we communicate.

Because many of your comments in this thread talk about "making an effort" and how "that's not funny to me" and things like that.

and those comments explicitly state that that is just my personal opinion, and is not what all the mods may think, and I don’t intend to remove something just because it’s not funny to me, only when it dehumanizes/reduces agency/is hurtfully hyperbolic.

Again, raising the standards of behavior? Great. Telling us we need to exert more effort to be funny.... er, what?

would you like me to remove the part that says we should try and encourage each other to get more inventive? because, y’know, that was mainly done in jest, I don’t fully expect every user to tell each other user to make better jokes. you seem to be taking it very seriously and misconstruing its point.

That doesn’t make you a bad person or a bad mod, but when you're announcing new rules, it may help to leave the comedy to one side and focus on getting the message out in an understandable manner, if only to save yourself the time and effort of correcting a lot of misunderstandings.

and at the same time, we have people worried that we’re losing comedy and getting too serious.

so you can hopefully understand why it’s hard to please the entire community all at once.

these rules, again, aren’t meant to be super duper strict ultra censorship. they’re just meant to encourage people to stop attacking people for being virgins, living in basements, being nerds because there are a lot of people who DON’T agree with GG that fit each of those criteria.

I mean, we’re trying to prevent comments like this:

What completely moronic shitstain waste of oxygen. He's so fucking delicate, so fragile, so self-absorbed and utterly clueless. The poor child has his head so far up his own ass he can see his tonsils. If there was any shred of doubt remaining that Total Biscuit is a pompous, arrogant tryhard and a failure of a human being, it's gone now. Anybody giving captain clownshoes any attention whatsoever should be seriously reconsidering their life choices.

that are just completely toxic and unnecessary because they do nothing to make fun of the idea or even make fun of anything, they’re just hate and vitriol on the level of what we see in tons of other reddit communities like /r/SRSsucks or /r/cringepics.

it’s turning the person into a victim, it’s implying that the person would be better off dead and not existing, and it’s also bringing in plenty of splash damage as there are likely plenty of people who literally have no clue about GG nor TB’s involvement in it (since he doesn’t talk about it much at all in his videos other than the podcasts) that are now classified as bad people, rather than focusing on the ones that fully support TB BECAUSE of his GG involvement.

See, this is where you’re going straight for the exaggeration that smears anyone who is confused or might disagree with some aspect of your post.

I really don’t think that’s an exaggeration. it’s not a smear, it’s truthfully pointing out that you and Neon have both come across as being completely against the idea of having a comment removed from here (a comment that will be reinstated unless it’s outright racist, harassment, or death threaty) due to a mod getting a report from another user that the comment is dehumanizing, reducing agency, or hurtfully hyperbolic.

again, my main concern in all of this is that doing these three things helps GG more than hurts them. I’d like us to keep the focus on reality, that these are indeed human adults with free will who are still choosing to engage in this behavior. I also care about the splash damage, because there have been times here where commenters have made fun of gaters by implying they’re basement-dwelling neckbeards, and I myself happen to have a beard that hasn’t had the best upkeep and live in my grandpa’s basement. how do you think someone else might feel if they see a commenter here making fun of a gater by saying that gater must be a teenager crybaby who has never touched a woman, when the person seeing that comment is 15, has social trouble, and still thinks GG is completely stupid?

maybe I am getting stressed out, but it’s because it feels like words and implications are being put into my mouth that I can’t figure out how they were ever perceived to exist in my post. it’s frustrating because I just had to explain to Neon why yes, the word crazy shouldn’t be an insult because its use as an insult reinforces the stigma that people who are mentally ill must do lots of bad things, and that exact stigma is why I was afraid to get psychiatric help until years after I should have.

I’m on edge because I thought all of this just made perfect sense and people would understand and support making this community more fun and less unintentionally hurtful, but people seem to think we’re going to crack down on jokes and insults when that’s the exact opposite of what I’ve said fifty times in this very thread and in the very post itself.

/r/GamerGhazi Thread