What Does It Mean To Say A Trans Man Is A Man?

now given all this why do people say a trans man is a man given all this now remember how i said one could apply an understanding of gender/gender identity/ gender dysphoria etc the first or second way
their are those who apply it the second way (applies to everyone) in the following manner gender identity is based upon how we divide sex and sex characteristics
and under that umbrella some also say it is based upon gender assignment
and under the umbrella of gender assignment they say its based upon gender assignment at birth
those people would not consider trans men to be men

and thus trans man is a man also doubles as a slogan to combat the influence of those who fall under the above category for a variety of reasons
one to ensure gender dysphoria treatment is not hindered
to ensure positive outcomes of gender dysphoria treament is not hindered
to ensure transgender individuals are included in discussions or issues which effect the gender identity group they are a part of
to dismantle gender assignment construct
to protect transgender individuals and their rights
to protect cisgender individuals who may be harmed by all these
to protect intersex individuals who may be harmed/hindered by all these
Etc etc

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