What this game is (and is not) beyond the hype


I think that people are expecting something different than what we're all going to get. I think that a lot of people are going to complain about things failing to meet their expectations, so I thought I'd write down what I understand we are going to receive in a few days:

  1. Expect to get to many dull planets. In fact, expect many places that are dull, monotonous and appear "similar". There are a lot of planets, but a limited number of biomes and there will likely be similar behavior from much of the fauna.

  2. Do not expect super advanced AI - it's not going to be there. AI is hard, especially when there are so many possibilities. Expect quite a bit of repetition in NPC behavior.

  3. This is not an action game - don't expect the same level of action as a AAA action games - those have orchestrated and scripted scenes, which would be an enormous feat in this sort of game.

  4. This is an exploration game - discovering new places, new flora, new fauna. I'm guessing that even if there is a deep and engrossing story, many people will be playing the meta game much more than following the story.

  5. This is a survival game - surviving is not supposed to be simple, and much of the game will likely revolve around improving your survival odds and enhancing your abilities.

  6. Animal movement - some animals moves very oddly, which might make sense for their body but would likely not happen under normal conditions due to natural selection and such.

  7. Environmental damage - I don't like how the damage is done - if you destroy the lower part of a rock, the upper part will stay in place floating in the air. This is an annoyance as it can really affect immersion if you let it.

  8. This is an early attempt at creating a game like this for something this ambitious, the game looks spectacular.

/r/NoMansSkyTheGame Thread