What if we have endocannabinoids receptors on our brain so that we could be high when we die from natural causes so that we can make the correct transfer to the next existential stadium?

I don't know if you commented before or after I put the EDIT.

Anyways, it's not about Mind-Body dualism. It's simply the fact that there are dimensions we are not familiar with.

The most common example is the hypercube. An hypercube is a three dimensional representation of a 4 dimensional object. Specifically Is a 3 dimensional projection of a 4 dimensional cube.

Now, while this is all theoretical, I am not saying I'm bringing proofs, I'm simply giving a theory. Like string theory for example, which is far from being proved.

However string theory also deals with multiple dimensions where the strings vibrate in.

I mean, I know this is all sci-fi, but where would I go if I want to talk about profound ideas related to the weed with people that actually have some understanding of physics, the cosmos and science in general? If I post in AskScience it will simply be ridiculed cos I'm talking about weed hence I'm a stupid stoner.

There should be a place here about this kind of things, not only involving the simple ENTS, but the sciENTists.

I wanted to propose this to u/420Microbiologist when he wrote that this subreddit was dead.

I mean, instead of closing it or leaving it to die, let's spark it up with some thinking, no matter how crazy.

Am I being unreasonable? I know this is for scientific informations on the effects of weed, thc, and all the "boring" laboratory informations, but why not theories? Once a theory has been ruled out is simply archived. But if you don't have a way to counter a certain idea, the post grows, gets to SciENTce home page, and other people can pinch in and give their 2 cents.

I mean, why are we even considering string theories when obviously nobody has seen them? Because is based on ideas that makes sense, and it is possible that string theory is true, although is possible the opposite as well.

Let's just play with some interesting ideas until someone goes like "Fuck! This is real!" and proves it in an experiment :D

For example we can't prove that the activity in our brain is not a projection of a fourth, fifth or 10th dimension, where only our consciousness exists or we are part of a broader consciousness. That would explain why there is weed on the planet we are born. We are part of a collective consciousness, that's why you feel so happy and connected to everything when you are high. Our whole galaxy is part of a universe which is in turn part of a multiverse.

Some of the other universes exists with different dimensions from ours, dimensions we wouldn't even be able to survive with our 3 dimensional body.

I'm not taking this in a spiritual or religion way.

I mean, even Elon Musk thinks it is possible that we live in a simulation considering how good the quality of virtual reality and videogames went from in less than 40 years. 100 years from now VR won't be recognizable from the real world. If the universe is 13 bn years old, creating a virtual simulation that feels THIS real, wounldn't be hard.

But I'm not saying we are living in a simulation.

I'm saying that this kind of theories can be considered because of the complete lack of information we have about the Cosmos. Except if we take the small things we know and we try to figure it out a step at a time.

Sorry for the wall of text.

I'm just trying to say that it's worth exploring this kind of theories as Carl Sagan himself said that weed gave him great insights and that it's not true that the stoner ideas you have are dumb. The most important part is being able to communicate those ideas to your "sober self" in a manner that will let him understand. Cos when you are high, you take some crucial parts from granted, and when you are sober you don't even remember those things, and if you don't read them the syllogism won't make any sense.

TL;DR : There's no harm in making up theories, string theory is just a theory too!

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