What innocent question has someone asked you that secretly crushed you a little inside?

Wasn't really a question to me directly but I was at the gym today doing my workout and there was this other dude next to me working out (a newbie) and the owner of the gym (who is a model) randomly comes up to him and says "you can become a model by working out a little bit more and growing a bigger chest, you already have the height and you have very good potential, are you interested?" that dude is 5"11 and I'm 6"1. I'm standing a few feet away from him and I've worked my ass off for 1.5 years to put on 40 pounds to look normal for a 6 footer. And then I realized how ugly I am cz he didn't say anything to me.. It was definitely an innocent question.. But damn.. It hit me pretty hard..

Sorry if it isn't typed out properly! I'm not used to typing long comments XD

/r/AskReddit Thread