What kind of drugs exist in your world? [Discussion]

QuanTec manufactures an experimental serum known as META which contains the key ingredient Metasine Tetraphosphate (MTP), an unstable, incredibly powerful oxidizer. When injected into the body MTP replace ATP as the source of cellular energy and because of it's instability it is a more efficient source of energy for cells. META speeds up cell division and makes mitosis more efficient, causing massive incredibly rapid regeneration (a bullet wound can completely heal in minutes) as well as grants super strength as the muscle tissue is constantly regenerating. The regenerative effects also boost the immune system tremendously, making it a cure for almost any disease.

Additionally META contains DNA repair enzymes which when combined with the increased cell division, can rapidly cure cancer and radiation illness.

Because of the rapid cell division META is a key component in retro genetic enhancement as injecting it with genetic information can cause the genetic information to quickly bind to DNA and assert itself into the subject's phenotype. This can cause any engineered superpowers to assert themselves quickly and the subject has a higher chance of surviving as the META can regenerate the immune system faster than it can attack itself.

The Azure Avenger's enhanced abilities are from his body being genetically engineered to produce MTP among other genetic enhancements.

Problems with META are that if engineered into disease, would make the disease incredibly powerful and incurable. It's role in retro genetics also allow QuanTec to effectively create many superpowered individuals, most of which aren't heroes too say the least. An overdose of META can cause the body to starve itself to death for energy and a large overdose can cause the cells to literally combust, causing the subject to explode violently.

META gives the appearance of a colorless liquid when inert, but when oxidizing takes a golden glow that can sometimes be visible in the person injected. (Their skin takes a translucent golden glowing appearance)

/r/worldbuilding Thread