What would your world Prison Food look like?

In my post-apocalyptic world, the few prisons, prison camps, and Black sites that exist would be serving really really bad food. Really just enough to keep people going long enough to serve their punishment.

Though The Pittsburgh Provincial Government’s main prison would probably serve the best food. Maybe tied with the food at the prison of New Denver(my most advanced faction, plus the only one to have the old world back in a way). Of course it’s based on the crime committed, and it’s severity. The worse the crime, the worse the punishment, and the worse the food.

The absolute worst would be the Necrolytes’ human cattle farms, which would just serve enough food to keep people going, and feed them a bit more before they are executed, then eaten. The Mutants in West Virginia’s mines have a similar practice too.

An in between would be The Vampire cult in Ohio/Indiana. They implement blood taxes on a large survivalist settlement in their territory, though they do ensure they get enough food to live. Of course the people The Vampires take from The Wasteland get it way worse as well as dissidents taken from the survivalist community who fed only when necessary during an interrogation period then once they are done, they get their blood drained which kills them, then they are left to reanimate as zombies who are then submerged in blood pools(made using anything from zombie blood, animal blood, and human blood) to be used as additional impromptu troops in times of war, and to protect strongholds.

/r/worldbuilding Thread