How do countries in your world model kingship?

It can vary from kingdom to kingdom. Some of the ones worth mentioning are:

  • Kingdom of Ciria is a Co-monarchy, always governed by a pair of jointly ascending monarchs, coming from two separate royal dynasties(at least officially in practice the two houses are so heavily interconnected that they effectively function as a single clan.

  • Republic of Araigneze elects their Pontifex or Duke through a form of fundraising, with a great festival in which the candidates are attempting to convince the richest citizens of the city to donate the largest amount of money to the charity in their name, the funds are then distributed to the poorest citizens and the candidate who earned the most money is declared the next Pontifex.

  • Baronies of Wiberion, up until recently had a system of eternal queenship, in that they continued to recognize the founder and the namesake of their nation as the only monarch, despite her being dead for centuries, effectively leaving the position of the monarch vacant but legally occupied in perpetuity.

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