What Kind of People/Types Irritate You the Most?

People who are very judgemental and pushy. Usually they don't even realize it themselves, they just think "that's how things should naturally go". If you don't submit to their ideals, they'll try to shame you. Usually they're ESxJ or ENTJ, sometimes ISxJ.

People who believe their first impression is the truth. And if they've formed a certain impression, they won't listen to anything further than that. They'll also get crazy mad if you say your differing opinion yet they try to seem like they're "the voice of reason". They're the people who can unironically say things like "that's stupid and everyone who doesn't think like me is an idiot fml why do I have to live with these idiots". I think for example ESTJs can also think like that but because of the impulsivity of their reaction, they're more often immature xSTPs and maybe really frustrated xSFPs.

I usually love xNTPs but it can be infuriating when they get nitpicky. Their usually very broad and multifaceted thinking suddenly becomes really narrow. They focus on some little details and won't compromise those details even if they were provided with sound reasoning why those details are erroneous or not useful in this certain context. And what makes it worse is that nothing in their presence changes! They still embody that "wise intellectual" kind of being as if they wouldn't even realize they just went from the intellectual xNTP to an ISTJ with really deluding case of OCD. That intellectual and wise presence feels like a shield that you just can't get through even though you know they're being childish and persnickety. It's cool when they're actually being wise and intellectual but when they're not they shouldn't hide behind it! That's like abusing your strengths. Aaghh!

/r/infj Thread