What is to come next outside of the events in the DC

I'm reposting the text of your post here as a comment, because that wierd format is driving me crazy in Desktop view.



This is partially an update to the previous post I made here. In that post I was arranging bits and pieces of lore or other small references into a make-shift prediction for the future. The TL;DR for that post was that I feel that we are being pulled in a Rasputin/SIVA direction.

  Some of my theory may have been subconsciously driven by the fact that I really want to go back to the Cosmodrome, but I feel that I was actually going somewhere. 

  In bits of the ViDoc we see a Guardian with their ghost in Ada-1s bunker looking place. I’d like to point out the shell the ghost was wearing. If you don’t want to go back and watch the ViDoc I’ll just tell you that it’s the Warmind/SIVA looking ghost shell. I’m going to add this to my Cosmodrome/Rasputin/SIVA/Warmind bunker theory pile. The enemies (1 enemy) seen in the raid/raid lair portion of the ViDoc looked very, very similar to the Splicer Fallen from RoI. I’m also going to add this to my Cosmodrome/Rasputin/SIVA/Warmind bunker theory pile. 

  If you have anything that you want to correct or share with me please do so. I can feel some other story being built up aside from the DC story and Black Armory story. Also, is there really going to be no main Black Armory story? It would really suck if that was the case. I remember hearing something about an addition to the patrol area on Earth, is this true? I’m also really interested in what strike(s) we get in Black Armory.

  This is something small to add, and it’s also a massive stretch, but the Black Armory area on Nessus that someone glitches into looks (at least to me) very similar to the place you first fight Vosik in that has the huge destroyed servitor looking thing. 

Thanks for reading

/r/DestinyLore Thread