How do you overcome not smoking while drinking?

I didn't quit drinking. Drinking has been my downfall in the past - I'd quit drinking and be able to not smoke for a few weeks, but then as soon as I'd drink again, I'd be back on the smokes. This time, I psyched myself up for a fresh start 2017 smoke free year for a long time leading up to new year's and decided that if I was going to learn how to achieve "not one puff, ever", that had to include drinking, because I don't intend to quit drinking forever. I started by smoking some weed from a one hitter when I was out drinking. Eventually I got tired of being stoned and anti-social all the time at bars / parties, so I stopped getting high and started just going out to hang out outside when people went out to smoke. Its at the point now that I'm so happy to be not addicted and am so removed from the addiction that smoking seems foreign and gross to me. Like, I'll be a bit drunk and remember how I used to enjoy smoking while drunk and vaguely want to experience that again, but that feeling does not compare to how much I hate the addiction and how happy I am to be free from it. The passing nostalgia is never motivation enough for me to actually smoke. Best of luck getting to this point. It took me a long time!

/r/stopsmoking Thread