What ships are the best before rank 10?

I stsrted playing DDs quite recently and this is my first season using them, but I find Kitakaze being beastly good. It's not as nimble as other DDs, but if you position correctly and unleash your firepower on other DDs (and start farming the rest afterwards), life seems easy sometimes. Up until now, 8 matches in 10-6, 6 victories and 2 stars kept.

Close second, as I play mostly BBs, the Soyuz. Kremlin was easy mode in last ranked, this time I find her a tad less strong in comparison, but still very powerful. Musashi sometimes struggles dealing important damage and the shells travel very fast, with usual better accuracy up close, and ranges in ranked tend to be closer. 5 battles, 3 victories, 1 star saved and 1 that went real shit (was the first of the season LOL).

/r/WorldOfWarships Thread