What should I know about PT before renting, buying, or building here?

I am leaving Port Townsend, and honestly it is because of people like you who want to live here and work remotely or not work at all (retired) and run away from all the problems you helped create in Seattle.

But go ahead. You think this town will last 10 years? Nope. There will be no tourism because people like me who work in the shops cannot live here and are fed up with the low wages, high cost of rentals, and the singular focus on tourism.

Howells sandwiches is closing after four years. Why is that? Climate change is one reason. Yeah, plan for that as water street has more and more issues with flooding. They say it's COVID but it is much more than that.

And take a look at what is happening at Fort Worden

And if you want health care good look. You would think that someone with spinal arthritis might be able to get help in this geriatric community but there are no specialists anywhere. And everyone here is old and white and drones on about how great they used to be. It's so boring.

You will also be buying at the top of the market here IMO so good luck with not being able to move away when the homeless problem gets worse. Oh, and utilities here are very expensive compared to Seattle.

All the great people are dying or moving away because they were never greedy.

/r/PortTownsend Thread