What thing happened to you that, at the time, was horribly embarrassing but now is one your favorite anecdotes to tell?

When I was in 3rd grade all of the classes had to make a fake commercial to teach us marketing skills, since there were too many boys in the class so I had to do a girl's part, a fairy godmother. So I wore my mom's light purple shirt and my sister's purple tutu. So I went to school acted and was pretty embarassed, but unfortunately this isn't the end. We had a large lunch room with rows of tables and my class' table was in the very back. We had a long lunch period and every 5 minutes or so we were told to stop talking for about a 5 minute period. So I opened my lunchbox which opened out much like the vintage metal ones and water POURED out onto the table and onto my lap, because the top to my water bottle had come off. I was anxious at first but I hoped it would dry enough by the end of lunch. So I'm now left with no water and a sopping wet sandwhich which was falling apart, my friend generously offered me some foreign food out of a thermos and I ate it. Unfortunately however the food was spicy as fuck and I now had no water, and the nearest water fountain was across the room in the hallway. So I get up and begin to speed walk to the water fountain while trying to cover my lap in a very obvious way. Miraculously I made it past all of the third graders (though some stared, as this was the period in which the room was quiet and we couldn't talk), and right as I was about to step into the hallway a line of kindergarteners were walking by. And this little boy stops at me stares points and says "He peed his pants!" Unfortunately this is during the interval where the lunchroom is quiet and quite a bit of people heard, and at that point they started telling people and in the span of 30 seconds everyone knows and is laughing and making fun of me. THEN an administrator known for being a strict douchebag pulls me into his office and gives me lunch detention for the rest of the year for "Distracting students and trying to cause an outburst in an effort to get attention." (WHAT THE FUCK?!?!?) Singlehandedly the most unfortunate string of events in my entire life.

/r/AskReddit Thread