What TV series introduced a character that made the show worse?

I hear ya.

I really don’t care for BBT myself, but to each their own.

My main issue with the show is the feeling that they targeted the nerd/geek/hipster audience.

It was supposed to be some sort of high-minded intelligent sitcom that would have possibly had some sort of inside jokes about space, chemicals, scientific advancements... something.

If you’re looking for mindless entertainment, this wasn’t supposed to be the show for you. Maybe Friends or something like that.

Personally, I find the humor behind Seinfeld to be more intellectually stimulating. For that matter, Friends too.

I have no problem with the fact the BBT chose to go the way of the laugh track, low-end humor. No problem.

Please, though, don’t try to sell it to me as some sort of high-end humor with supposed “geeks” who would have graduated at the bottom of their class, if they even managed to graduate at all, and toss aside the condescending tone from those same supposed “geeks”, which creates a feeling that actually makes truly intelligent, hard working people in the industry feel like we have to start all over from 30 years ago and prove ourselves yet again, when the world looked down on everything we did back then.

Enjoy your shows, grab some popcorn.

But maybe you can find a show someday that gives you a chuckle or two without insulting intelligence.

Again, not shitting on your taste, just giving some perspective on why many Redditor’s dislike it.

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