What/When was the EXACT moment where Sanders went from being someone you were neutral about to actively disliking/hating?

Let me paint a picture...

I'm an American living in Germany and winter has been especially long and shitty. But my loving mother paid for me to come to visit my beautiful home state of California for a few weeks. At this point, despite being progressive, I'm leaning Hillary, because Bernie seems like an old crank. I spend my first weekend in the Bay Area with my friends, talking about politics (my bff is relieved that I'm leaning Hillary, he said, "I'd kind of assumed you'd be for Bernie," and I felt mildly insulted but given my history I get it). BTW we totally literally toasted to Scalia's death because fuck that guy.

I've been a redditor for years but never waded into /r/politics but one night at my mom's house I did, and I then encountered the "Bernie or Bust" people and I was genuinely shocked. I mean, yeah, I get liking one candidate over another, but Bernie or Bust v. Cruz or Trump? Are you kidding me?

The next day I'm driving with my mom and grandma under a big beautiful Calfornia sky listening to the previous evening's Rachel Maddow and she played a peice of the Chris Matthews interview where Matthews hammered Bernie about how he would accomplish any of his plans, and he literally said that millions of young people would protest in the streets and that would force Republican obstructionism to evaporate and I was just like "Fuck this guy. Seriously, fuck him." And my mom and grandma forgave my use of coarse language because they are old women so, you know, Hillary supporters.

Later on I got more into the policy stuff but it was the fact that his whole plan for enacting change literally rode on this "revolution" narrative" that made me say OH HELL NO.

/r/enoughsandersspam Thread