Now--last resort--they just hope she dies

mahakali_overdrive2 14 points 1 day ago no apology needed, it was their privilege to imagine that they knew our minds better than we did and also could just come in woth the old proppo bag a bit later and perform psychic surgery on is, wham, bam, thank you ma'am. I am so sorry but No Means No, so please stop S T A L K I N G me because that is no kind of feminism at all. # NeverHillary only need be said once. After that, people have boundary issues. Get the fuck away from me with your shitbird of a hellspawn candidate because I hope that clot bursts in her head and leaves her to finally shut up and do no harm. why? necause i do not forget berta caceres, haitians, kissinger, or the syrian refugees here in the tunel-bana today, that sick botch legacy of the day after the regime change. slick willy has turned into the new avatar of sick hilly... and the two are grotesque, bad, weird, complicit, and wrong.

i will only ever vote against you and against all of your political and fonancial enablers. we are very mich at war so leep your unity idiot- peddling the fuck away from us #BernieOrBust. Get it?

no apology needed, it was their privilege to imagine that they knew our minds better than we did and also could just come in woth the old proppo bag a bit later and perform psychic surgery on is, wham, bam, thank you ma'am. I am so sorry but No Means No, so please stop S T A L K I N G me because that is no kind of feminism at all. # NeverHillary only need be said once. After that, people have boundary issues. Get the fuck away from me with your shitbird of a hellspawn candidate because I hope that clot bursts in her head and leaves her to finally shut up and do no harm. why? necause i do not forget berta caceres, haitians, kissinger, or the syrian refugees here in the tunel-bana today, that sick botch legacy of the day after the regime change. slick willy has turned into the new avatar of sick hilly... and the two are grotesque, bad, weird, complicit, and wrong.

i will only ever vote against you and against all of your political and fonancial enablers. we are very mich at war so leep your unity idiot- peddling the fuck away from us #BernieOrBust. Get it?

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