What is your "holy grail"?

My rebound girl. We go crazy on eachother when ever I'm single and she is probably the best and most adventures sex I ever had.

she and I hate eachother for the most part, but we dated back in the day but we are still kinda friends.

I am a: Chevy driving, meat eating, off roading, country listening, dog lover.

She (Jill) is a: Oil painting, pot smoking, cat loving, Prius driving, dubstep listening, vegetarian.

We dated for a short time and knew quickly it wasn't going to work but we both were attracted sexually to eachother. So we decided to just go crazy in the bedroom and then break up, we dated for about 2 months after that.

we fought all the time and couldn't agree on anything, but after a day of building up anger we would fuck like bunny's (very agresive bunnys).

after we broke up we found ourselves banging when ever left alone together (we share alot of friends oddly enough). we only stopped when I got a new girlfriend. However when we broke up I found my self on top of Jill in a matter of hours.

We made a deal that we would bang whenever I was single and otherwise just be friends when I was in a relationship.

/r/AskReddit Thread