What are your NSFW or slightly illegal life hacks? [serious]

I starting writing up my experience with this until I found your post. I've done similar things for years, but with a twist after reading some older eastern methodologies/practices around holding in your semen or Chi as it was considered your life energy and shouldnt be lost. Take it with as much of a grain of salt as you like.

I can orgasm fully but completely cancel any ejaculation. No this isnt the pressure/hughs method and there is no obstruction or retrograde ejaculation. I've urinated directly after countless times because I was skeptical, but theres no cloudiness or anything. It's a combination of breathing techniques and internal muscle control.

Next time you orgasm, exhale completely before the point of no return. Then inhale fully and deeply throughout the entirety of the orgasm, while squeezing your PC muscles, tightening your abs and internals and drawing your diaphram upwards as you inhale. It is not easy, and it takes time to develop the muscles, and breathing control. But you can counteract the involuntary muscle contractions of orgasm through this method, thus stopping ejaculation. There is usually a small release of lubrication from the glands in the area, but thats about it. If you arent entirely successful, you'll probably have a slightly delayed release. I'd really like to understand scientifically whats actually going on, but this is my best description of what has worked for me over the 8+ years I've been doing this.

I remember telling one of my ex GFs this and having her give me a hand job to prove it and her reaction was pretty crazy. I had sex with another and stayed in her during orgasm with no release. The orgasm isn't as enjoyable as it is almost a bit of a struggle, but there's no mess. And similar to what you experienced this makes you super hard.

Since this is a little bit different then the edging method which is more along the line of what you described, the refractory period is usually still induced granted you push it past the point of no return. But this method definitely makes edging much easier.

YMMV but seeing as you have similar experience as myself give some of this a try.

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