What is your position towards the gender/pronouns/sexualities craze?

To be honest and frank, I think the only people who can used or define gender pronouns are the members of the trans community. I think the current terms like "pansexual, non-binary" are USA-based or Western constructs. I doubt gays in countries, where it's illegal would care for these pronouns. They're worrying about their health and safety. They don't have the time nor luxury in think, "Today, I want be be addressed as 'WOOF!' or some other constructed portmanteau of terms."

I would be happy to carry any conversations in a privately; however, the thread inquired for my opinions. These are my personally-held opinions:

  • There are two sexes: male or female based on biology
  • Two genders: someone identifying as "male" or "female" based on psychology
  • Three sexual orientations: homosexual, heterosexual, or bisexual

In your personal life, you can live in your head for all I care. You can ask your friends and family to address as however you please; however, on the purpose of government census data collections, you will be categorized or label as aforementioned.

I had a "WTF" moment, when Facebook and OkCupid decided it's members to select all those terms for gender identity.

/r/askgaybros Thread