whats that one deck you just cant abandon

Sejuani Swain with citybreaker, leviathan and legion grenadier alongside the standard swain control tools in a concept I called "siege breaker"...

It started off as a pet project of mine during the first Lee Sin meta, and it actually had an amazing matchup into him (and Fiora Shen that was popular at the time too) so I climbed pretty steadily through diamond and masters back then.

When Zoe got released Lee Sin got easy access to the 1 mana silence that just destroyed the concept entirely. They were able to play faster than me and it overall felt really really bad.

During the Shurima expansion with Lissandra the deck got a bunch of new tools, and I even saw BBG experiment with a deck of this kind with ice shard, ember maiden and the avalanche landmark thing. I was excited and tried to incorporate some of his tools into my build, and for a while it worked alright, maybe like T3 level, but the meta kept getting faster and faster, and this concept just couldn't keep up.

I play a lot less now, but when I do play I go back every now and then to try a couple of game of this old siege breaker concept. Unfortunately, it disappoints me every time...

/r/LegendsOfRuneterra Thread