I just lost 8 in a row on literally the last card - this game is amazing!

I mostly tried it out for fun to see what Riot Cardgame would look like, I play League regularly so this is a new thing for me.

Tutorials were pretty good at explaining how things work, got the hang of most effects, but some mechanics still take me by surprise sometimes. For example, I knew I could "ghost block" an enemy attack if I recalled my cheesy elusive Lvl2 Zed that was challenged. Felt really smart doing it. I did not know recalling it would remove all the "granted" effects. Also, since I had no clue how the turns work, I didnt know attacker could start the attack before I get to place units/activate slow/fast spells, so that hurt me a few turns on empty board. Small stuff like that made me throw the game quite a few times.

I loved the first week login rewards, hoped they would stay, but it seems like those are 1 time thing. Discovering regions is a cool concept.

Expeditions are fun, but I feel like my ability to make a deck on the fly is lacking OR I just dont handle early game well.

I started out thinking I'd sink in a few hours in this game and quit it, but I ended up thinking about cheesy builds like Mark of the isles, twin disciples Elusive Zed topped off with death mark, suiciding/cloning Commander Ledros with Chronicler of Ruin and finishing it off with Atrocity and now I'm just constantly trying to think of new synergies and cheesy win conditions. Most fall short because they're too slow (what I mean is they take too many turns to execute) or I don't have enough mana per turn to use them how I'd like.

For example, I was gonna kill Ledros that's on the board with Chronicler of Ruin summon and bring him back with Harrowing for a total of 3, 1 that revived, 1 in hand bc of the last breath effect and 1 dead, brought back by harrowing w/ ephemeral, which means he also goes back to hand, but I need 14 total mana. Even if it did work, it has a lot of room for response cuz it needs 1 play + slow spell. Idk how to tempo these big combos.

Gonna learn a bit more about pacing, how to make an actual deck with normal execution and try for ranked. Game seems like too much at first, but its really easy to pick up. I'm just new to card games, so what seems obvious to other players takes me some time to figure out.

/r/LegendsOfRuneterra Thread