Why I don't like Lissandra and not simply because she's strong atm (rant)

I think Lissandra herself is fine. She’s borderline useless at level one and the Thrall she summons is a waste of board space for a couple turns. Keep in mind that levelling her takes two 8+ units to be summoned which is a pretty late level condition. I’d say at that point, the tough nexus and ice shards are worth the payoff of having to survive all those previous turns. The Watcher is meant to be a late game finisher and fits her theme perfectly. Control decks are meant to win in the late game so I don’t see an issue there.

The only reason people have a problem with her is because of the TLC combo which can level her and bring out the Watcher fast. I reckon if Liss was only played with the Ionia or Shurima variants of her deck, nobody would think she does ‘too much’.

/r/LegendsOfRuneterra Thread