What's something a teacher did at school that you're still mad about?

(no way anyone will ready this but that's okay I enjoy answering questions)

TLDR: Northern Irish femminist takes over a class, changes the ciriculum and gas lights me turning my school mom against me.

I was dyslexic and from a home with my benignly neglectful dad in school, so I went to educational support, which was bascially an extra class we had a support teacher, who was just nice, and sorta like our mom.

it was out final year and i'd this class i was really looking forward RMPS (religious moral and philosophical studies) to be clear this class wasn't just 'Christianity', it was humanism, Buddhism, later in the year we where also going to be doing Christianity V humanism so you could see the debates between the two.

our teacher was pregnant and she went on maternity leave so we got a sub, this bitter horrible women northern Irish women, she changes the curriculum no more Christianity V humanism we're doing feminism. Now classes didn't go well she really didn't like me she treated me like i was dumb and useless, i was struggling with a term project but her version of help involved shouting patronizing... not great but i could forgive that, but she got my learning support teacher involved and turned her against me for my apparent disrespectful attitude, and she seemed to buy it hook line and sinker

Now, i'm a geek, so i didn't talk back in classes, i didn't talk back to anyone mostly at school i kept my head down, so years later i still don't know what she meant, in retrospect i think i was gaslighted, if she said "you weren’t engaging with the curriculum" maybe, but I honestly think if feminism where taught properly Id’ve liked it even at that point, but she said I was disrespecting her and I just wasn’t, not in class anyway


The impact this women had on my life was incredible in the worst way, i was a kid from a single parent family and she took my school mom i just stopped going to support classes, i'd get complaints but frankly i was done with her, i wasn't one to ditch classes but i happily ditched hers And the irony was for a long time i hated feminism because of her I assumed when they said they wanted equality, what they meant was they really wanted power after all that's what i'd seen from her.

I did a degree later which had a gender studies course taught my gay southern Irishmen. which lead me to the belief "okay it's not all B.S"

And if by any chance you read this unlikely as i know it is. I don't forgive you, I was a vulnerable kid going through hell at home and you where just one more rock on my back. I didn't hate feminism infact i studied it and found it liked in 4 years later from someone who taught it better than you ever could, and i've been deffending it long before this latest PC wave made it trendy to do so. for the sake of your students and your beliefs quit. your a poor teacher and a worse person.

/r/AskReddit Thread