What's with Warren?

  • Warren has promised to take corporate money in the general, making the same argument that corporate Dems do.
  • Warren was a Republican until age 47
  • Her climate plan is a fraction of the size of Bernie Sanders'
  • Many Bernie supporters were early Warren supporters who grew disappointed with her in 2016 when she both refused to challenge Clinton or endorse Bernie Sanders. Many people begged her to run at that time.
  • She voted multiple times too Grant Trump large increases in the military budget
  • She often uses "access" to describe her goals for healthcare. For close observers of American politics, this is a code word for rejecting single payer government insurance in favor of tinkering with the existing system, which requires citizens or employer's too pay for insurance.
  • She gave Trump a standing ovation for equating American socialism with the government of Venezuela, and declared herself a "Capitalist to [her] bones"

In many ways, Elizabeth Warren is still the same Republican she was when she decided to join the Democratic party. She's an Eisenhower Republican. She seems progressive now only because all of American politics, had drifted so far to the right.

/r/Ask_Politics Thread