What's your stoner story?

It was the day before i was to go back home for Thanksgiving break. I decided that I was going to smoke for the first time by myself. I began smoking and there came a point where I knew that I was at a good level, probably about a [6]. Then a little voice in the back of my head said, "Nah bro you can get higher," to which I complied. I smoked some of the loose shit at the bottom of my stash container.

I don't know what it was about that last little bit, but being a fairly inexperienced ent I got FUCKED up. I was sitting in my room just smiling out my window for who knows how long. Then voices in my head began to talk to me to which I verbally answered them. I began pacing around my room and talking to the voices in my head. I started to freak out so I thought a shower would help.

I got into my bathroom and got down to my birthday suit. There i am standing there naked and just looking at myself in the mirror. I then told my mirror self that I did not have time to talk to him because i needed to take a shower. This went on for about 5 minutes. I then got into the shower, and the last thing I saw was my face before closing the shower curtain. I then got incredibly sad and saying "I should have done something. I will never see him again" for another 5 minutes.

I then began to tend to normal shower duties, and as I began scrubbing down my nether region, the voice in my head told me to RIP MY DICK OFF. I then stood there for about 10 minutes in the shower gripping my dick, arguing, and getting actually angry with the voice telling it that I was not going to rip my dick off.

Now that I am a more experienced ent, I'm not sure what was in that weed (it was from a dispensary) but all I know is that it got me rip my own dick off high, which I assume is probably a [12]

/r/trees Thread