When You Go to Caste Certificate Office, How Can They Tell What Caste You Are?

How easy is it to obtain a fake SC/ST certificate in India?

Disclaimer: Not looking for a certificate for myself. Only interested in figuring out how easy it is to game the system.



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Nishant Patil, I know about Indian Caste System

5.2k Views · Nishant has 90+ answers in India

For real caste certificate, usually you need to provide at least 10-12 official documents.  - Your parents caste certificate or school leaving mentioning caste - Otherwise your father's-brother certificate - ration card - Local administration certificates - Police patil (some person in village) to confirm letter. - rental/address proof - Affidivate that you belong to such caste (20 rs stamp paper i think) - etc etc This was in Maharashtra. 

However the caste certificate is of almost no use. From admission to promotion, caste validity certificate is required. Caste validity is scrutiny process done by the government where your caste certificate is prepared. 

Can both be manageable, highly unlikely.  However to make Fake certificate, you just need a good photo-shop editor, authentic paper and printer. 

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