When children's cartoons actually dealt with real world issues.

my point was that the cartoon is depicting an average, stereotipical american capitalist family, and a non-average 0.5% rich black family from bel air. that aside. people dont jsudge peopel by their actions. they judge them based on how they jook, and then they make a link between them and some group they have in their memory and assume that person has the same traits as the group. all people predjudge. its normal and efficient. only racial prejudice seems to be the problem. you would assume a guy holding a knife wearing a butchers uniform to be a butcher, its logical. you wouldnt sit dow with him and spend 3 hours to get to know him to account for the off chance that he is in fact an astronaut. you would assume a bum holding a cup wants money, not sit down with him and see that he is in fact a stupid youtuber doing a social experiment. and just like that, you would assume for an asian to have a different kind of earwax, which is scientiffically proven. you wouldnt do an experiment on him and try to determine whether he has that asian gene trait. if you see a lot of drunk persons, and 70% of thme are violent, you would of course try to avoid every drunk person. its simple 2/3 statistics, even if 1/3 has candy.. better not risk it. and certain races in america tend to keep to themselves to preserve their culture. and so, you can definitely assume a fair amount of peopel from one culture share certain traits and behaviours. so if 80% of the black guys the dad from the cartoon met were shitty people, ofcourse he would put the other 20% in the same basket, especially if the kid listens to rap, the devils music. if he had met thekids dad and saw that he was a rich doctor, i doubt anyone sane would think that he shoots up drugs and wants to corrupt his son... end of lecture.. its late..

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