The white deer had lured me so deep into the jungle I had no chance of finding my way out.

It’s the Brazilian and Amazon basin section of the folklore series.

Todays entity is from Brazil.

Tukaksuk guessed correctly, todays entity is the Anhangá.

The Anhangá appears as a white deer with red eyes, and will lure or trick people into the jungle depths. The folklore variety it is plays a role in how this ends.

The more evil versions of the Anhangá that are associated with Jurupari, the god of evil, will curse, maim, kill, and probably eat their victim.

The good versions of the Anhangá are forest guardians and only attack those who damage or defile the forest.

The Anhanngs m is a shapeshifter, capable of taking on a variety of shapepes and forms, including a monstrous one. This shape shifting is some thing that.

If you can’t tell the Anhangá is one of the entities that has different folklore depending on the group describing it.

I’m going to stop the folklore comment here because I’m falling asleep. Good nigt Vc thebvvv vc

I will check back in one hour. d Kitty was mad at me. Going to bed now. Good night.

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