Who are the Members of the General Assembly of the Turkish Central Bank?

i need source info from tcmb - none of the articles from their laws show the members. come on its turkey, we know how reliable media is-i cant trust those companies you posted.

for federal reserve, boe, boc and ecb, i can get that info! because you live in turkey your understanding of "citizen rights" is a crooked picture - not belittling you, you agree that turks don't know the real values of democracy/elections etc. in germany only 5% of arabs vote cause of their cultural unknowings towards elections - turks have similar low rates.

Previously you said state owns 51% (if that was true then again i would have the right to see the info eg. freedom of information act of usa) now its via citizens+state. it looks like a hashash info there - theyre hiding something or you dont know the source.

i don't wanna continue this thread and this sub as you can see from above that they removed the article. its stupid because this is a forum and it should be ppl who can up/down vote you not some turkish 'police' who mods ottoman sub. unless i posted fake non-turkey related thread or ads i would understand but thats the pic we gave here. so u wanna argue more just pm me cause i don't wanna come back here. for a sec i really felt like i was back in turkey, thanks to him.

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