'Price gouging from Covid': student ebooks costing up to 500% more than in print

"Higher education" is just pure garbage now. Political propaganda in classes, conceited professors, money making scheme for textbooks, ridiculously high tuition for subpar education, large class sizes, tons of middlemen, incompetent administration. They make one wish for the days of Pol Pot (this is in jest of course!) There has to be serious reforms done to to the university system in the U.S.

1) No more tenure

2) Limited class sizes

3) $25 max possible fee for all books combined with 1 class, you cannot exceed a $25 cap for students. No other fees possible under any circumstances. Books must be print (Ebook optional) Professors should also not be allowed to sell any books they help make or that they profit off of.

4) Fire half or more of the bloated administration in every college/uni to make money for better libraries, living spaces, and essential personnel.

5) Force students to write from the perspective of every single political ideology out there to make them more extrospective so colleges are not a echo chamber.

6) No quotas on entry/hiring (No asking about physical traits of the person applying, maybe blur their names too for admittance so there can be 0 bias from the admissions office. That way nobody can be racist and hire races that they like, not hire races they hate or enforce discriminatory quotas.

7) All scholarships must be based on intellect only, you may not ask for sex, race, religion, orientation, background etc. Maybe have an exception for extreme poverty , but you still have to be smart enough to get it. Get rid of sports scholarships entirely, they are bloat.

/r/books Thread Parent Link - theguardian.com