The Rank 1 Skiller who's account was compromised just had his name changed

The account in question (Diddleboy per name change). Did the cleaning finds in the varrock measum for Antique Lamps. This is about ~2kxp/hr all the way to 99, this takes about 8,000 hours. Which they did in ~19 months (which translates to 12/19 months online during that period).

Recently fun weapons were added which permitted level 3 accounts to train slayer, without gaining combat xp (video about it).

Diddleboy campaigned on twitter to get this method patched out as it was about 5x-15x faster than the Varrock Museum. It was removed a few weeks ago.

The level 3 community was extremely unhappy with this. The alting method requires significant risk (being in the wilderness on multiple accounts) as well as ensuring the level 3 and alts are attacking on the same tick. Aggro management is also extremely challenging. It was good trade off for the "danger" compared to the safe varrock museum.

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