Will choosing Clagary over the GTA, prove to be a bad decision in the long run? Both financially and professionally!

I moved from GTA to Calgary and I love it and don't regret it. It's a lot better from a financial perspective.

You mentioned diversity and education opportunities so I'll comment even thought it may trigger some people. The level of competition and good public schools in GTA and GVA is a lot better than in Calgary. Many more opportunities for better. There are good schools in Calgary too but very few (unless you go private). Obviously, a lot of it depends on where you live in the GTA but the GTA has a lot more feeder/magnet schools in public education. The people in Calgary/Alberta are also very complacent and relaxed compared to people in the GTA where in the GTA everyone is hungry to accomplish their next big goal. For these reasons alone, I'll be raising my kids (when I have them) in the GTA even though I'm currently in Calgary.

/r/PersonalFinanceCanada Thread