Windows Terminal now supports colorful themes to spruce up your dev environment

The more work they put towards Modern-style apps, the more puzzling it is. Practically no software besides the preinstalled stuff is written as UWP, it’s just delaying the inevitable for when they eventually have to kill it off. Even one of the main proponents of Universal software back when Windows 10 first released admitted that UWP was holding back the original Edge browser from being competitive.

It’s bizarre, I feel like very few OSes out there choose to use entire dead frameworks just for stock apps. Both Linux distros’ and Mac’s built-in software tends to be written the same way as other third party software, but with Microsoft it seems like they forgot how to make new stuff in Win32 with how much they’re still trying to move off of it (Notepad, Paint, Control Panel, etc.) It’s been over ten years now, it’s just never going to work at this point.

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