Witcher 3's beginning is extremely boring

First time I tried playing W3 it was right after finishing Dark Souls 3, and I just quit after the first hour or two because I couldn't get past the clunky combat.

But then I got some important advice: to not play it mainly for the combat, but rather for the story, the atmosphere/world and the characters. Well I pushed through the first couple hours and started liking the game after arriving in Velen. Finished the game later, but missed or ignored a lot of side quests, because I wasn't that much into it.

Then I decided to read all the books and they were amazing. I also played W1 and W2. Then I decided to replay W3 and it was SO MUCH more enjoyable, you know the characters and the world better, there are various references to books etc., and it became much more immersive. Now it's one of my top 3 games (alongside Dark Souls and TES: Oblivion, I'm a huge sucker for RPGs).

So my advice (also for others): try to immerse yourself in the world more, find out about the lore, read the books, play the previous games.

Or maybe the game just simply isn't your cup of tea, that sometimes happens too.

/r/patientgamers Thread