Why do you beat games you don't enjoy?

I've taken college courses easier than Celeste and at least doing those courses could help me get a better job. What is Celeste doing for me?

What are you, my dad?

On a serious note Gaming has helped me keep my social circle intact. I'm not particularly comfortable with forming deep connections with people since I've become an independent adult. The ones I have made I've been able to maintain thanks to hanging out with them online. Despite all of us being all over the US.

On the topic of the post. With how expansive and varied the industry is right now it's hard to buy into something you know you won't enjoy something about. The last game I did not finish was outer worlds simply because there was too many terminals providing context to the environment slowing things down to a slog. Other games I've always found a reason to finish or feel finished with if they don't have ends.

Especially here because we take note of things we want to play. I know I'm speaking on behalf of others here. But when was the last time you looked at a game and thought that doesn't look for me then bought it anyway.

/r/patientgamers Thread