The women are wonderful effect (The factual Feminist)

This is an automatic TL;DR, original reduced by 88%.

Niceness: What about the claim that women are just a lot nicer than men? According to film critic Roger Ebert: "Women are nicer than men in terms of their lifelong natures, women are kinder, more empathetic, more generous.

The rules of the Women are Wonderful game make it impossible for men to win: If women do something better than men, that is evidence of their superiority.

Write a book or article titled "Are Men Necessary?," "The End of Men," Man Down, or Women are From Venus, Men are from Hell," and the gods of the zeitgeist smile.

Extended Summary | FAQ | Theory | Feedback | Top five keywords: men#1 women#2 more#3 Smith#4 research#5

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