The world can never be made totally safe for anyone, male or female: there will always be sociopaths and psychotics impervious to social controls. I call my system "street-smart feminism": there is no substitute for wary vigilance and personal responsibility.

[sorry for taking so long to reply, I've been pretty busy recently.]

Look at the tenses of both quotes - I'm talking about advising people of preventative measures before anything happens, so they're less likely to get attacked in the future.

My bad. I totally misunderstood what you were saying. But at the same time, you're misunderstanding several things that I said. I'll try and explain better below.

Now that that's cleared up, We can discuss the actual issue. (assuming we don't find any more misunderstandings :P)

Here's the thing. All the rape prevention techniques in the world short of actually reducing the number of rapists are just band-aids. As long as there are rapists, there'll be people developing new date rape drugs, better ways to manipulate people, etc. It's like an arms race. Of course, as long as we're fighting this war, we have to keep getting better weapons; that's just how arms races work.

But there's an alternate solution, one that will end this war forever. We make the other side vanish. If there's no one to fight against, we don't have to arm anyone.

Sure, a lot of these articles are full of people saying things that seem pretty dumb, but I think(of course, I don't actually know for sure) that when they say 'let's stop fighting this arms race' they're assuming that 'and and actually do something to solve the rapist problem permanently' is obviously implied. Now, I have some experience with typical feminist ideas and goals and stuff, so I caught that implication, but I suppose that not everyone is good at explaining stuff to someone who doesn't hang out in the same groups and listen to the same speakers as them.

I can totally see how 'let's stop this arms race' totally looks like 'Just let the rapists win because I don't want to be bothered to fight', but I'd be willing to bet actual money that that's not the intended message.

Now, these same people, upon seeing people fighting back against their tweets/etc, believe that they're being understood. They believe that the 'and actually do something to solve the rapist problem permanently' is the part that is being objected to. It's pretty easy to see how when you believe someone objects to that, you believe they're probably sexist, and perhaps even a rapist themself.

“One of the ways that rape is used as a tool to control people is by limiting their behavior... As a woman, I’m told not to go out alone at night, to watch my drink, to do all of these things. That way, rape isn’t just controlling me while I’m actually being assaulted — it controls me 24/7 because it limits my behavior. Solutions like these actually just recreate that. I don’t want to fucking test my drink when I’m at the bar. That’s not the world I want to live in.”

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