Worth a shot. Let’s see what happens

Just a reminder of the rules of the sub.

     If you do not get any responses, try a different picture/pose. You can check out our [guide to taking good pose pictures](https://www.reddit.com/r/DrawMeNSFW/wiki/photo_guide)

      *posters : Please take the time to thank the artists that have drawn for you. If you really like their pieces, please DO NOT ask them to do other pieces for you for free as it is bad etiquette.

      *commentors: We know that this person has posted a great picture, but please, let's keep the lewd comments out.


      - All **photo manipulation/editing** is not allowed.
      - Only those with "DrawMeNSFW Artist" flair or the poster can make top level comments without an art link
      - All other top level comments require a link to an image or it **will be removed**.
      - If you would like more info on the flairs, please see the requirements [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/DrawMeNSFW/wiki/flair)


      All image links should be from one of the following allowed hosts :

      - imgur.com
      - deviantart.com
      - instagram.com
      - reddit.com
      - ibb.co
      - redd.it
/r/DrawMeNSFW Thread Link - i.redd.it