Would giving killers normal FOV and removing their red stain be THAT unfair ?

I don’t think removing the red stain is a good idea. The game “Identity V” has the same camera as survs for killers but it kept the red stain: it gives players a visual cue of where the killer is since sound isn’t always precise.

The camera FOV is another story tho, it’s possible but it’ll cause big changes on how we all play. For example, mindgames will change a lot. Moonwalking becomes impossible to do since killers will always face the direction they are walking to instead of where the camera is facing. This freedom of camera movement makes hiding pretty much useless which means successfully avoiding a chase is rare. This situation creates a need for more pallets (in Identity V area with at least 2 pallets are common) etc etc.

/r/deadbydaylight Thread