Would you help me to make my Newphew's day?

Hi All!

I have no idea if this is the right place to post this but I guess that the sub 'InternetIsBeautiful' as if you guys could help out....the Internet truly would be beautiful.

If this is the wrong spot altogether please tell me off and delete this and I apologise in advance!

I am not sure what way I should approach this as I don't want to appear as somebody who is looking for views or hits but that actually is exactly what I want but I don't want them for myself....I want to make my 9 year old Nephew's day. Give the little guy some confidence.

I would love it if my nephew, who is the most winderful kid, got a few hits on his Youtube Channel.

When I arrived at my sister's house today my nephew straight away excitedly showed me his Youtube channel and was so proud that he had got 20 odd views on a video along with a few subscribers. I had no idea he had a channel and made clips! He has only started doing these video clips recently.

For some reason my nephew adores me. He has always loved his Uncle and looked up to me. Why I don't know. He just does. The pride on his face as he showed me his video blog was amazing. He was buzzing! I would love to give something back to him.

He is a nervous little guy. It is easy to see in the clip! When I was watching the clip in the link earlier today he did not want me to have to volume too loud so that the other people (my brother, sisters, his mam and dad) in the room would not hear the clip. I can relate this. I am 35 now but as a kid I was never really confident. I would hide my hobbies for fear of being ridiculed. Looking back now....I wonder why.

What I would love is if you could just view his blog once, give him a view on Youtube.

His Youtube channel is not a money making one so this is not a click bait operation to make money. If you think it is I can understand if you ignore this and call me a schemer!

This is just a request from a kid's Uncle asking, strangers on Reddit if you would help do something nice for great little guy.

I have little or no idea what he actually talks about in the video but do know that he is talkng about video games which he loves.

This is a link to his video. He calls himelf the Vtolgamer 123 (He said Vtol was something to do with a game!). Please don't give him any guff. He is a great kid.

Thanks for your time guys.....and I really do hope you can help me out. I would appreciate it and I certianly know that my Nephew would be over the moon to see his views go up even by the smallest number.



/r/InternetIsBeautiful Thread Link - youtube.com