I would totally be a feminist but I see some serious issues.

manspreading and mansplaining.......... what the hell!!!! both of those terms IMO attack men and men only

As a guy, I was at first offended by those terms, I thought they were a sexist way of complaining about something that all people do. But after thinking about it longer I realized that's not the case, these are specifically addressing A particular common phenomena where some men talk down to women because of their assumption that women are innately less intelligent and need everything explained to them. These terms are really specifically only for gender-based cases of discriminatory behavior. Obviously they can be very similar to people who are all around assholes and talk down to others because of narcissism, but these terms are not intended to describe those situations.

I also don't see enough being done about mens issues (feminism defined as gender equality for both sexes)

That's not the definition of feminism. Feminism is a subcategory within the field of gender equality, and is specifically the focus on women's issues. The word "feminism" literally means "the study of women"

If there was a charity that raised money to feed the homeless, would you criticize them for not doing enough to prevent whaling in the Pacific ocean? Of course not. That's not their area. It doesn't mean they're against it, it's just that no group can solve all the problems in the world simultaneously. Groups have to focus, and people have every right to focus on the particular issues most important to them.

Men do have problems, but I suspect that the severe lack of groups dedicated to doing anything about that is partially due to the fact that men simply don't feel as oppressed, and feel less need for those groups in their life. Not to mention the presence of a lot of groups or people who claim to support the rights of men, but instead just want to complain about women and feminism or uphold toxic masculinity male stereotypes.

All feminists should support equal rights for everyone, that doesn't mean they have to spend an equal amount of time helping with men's issues.

but i have seen too many times feminist girls flat out say they don't care about men being sexually assaulted.

I've seen people claim to be vegetarians and then eat chicken nuggets, some people are just stupid. And obviously fail to understand the meaning behind the group they claim to be a part of.

i do strongly agree that mans parental rights are zilch.

I do as well, and I think that this is an issue that a lot of mainstream feminists perhaps are not as aware of as they should be. However the origin of this problem comes not from feminists, but an old-fashioned societal view that no one should have the choice to "opt out" of having children.

Basically, the reason men were not allowed to abandon children financially and without responsibility, is that when we live in a society where women are not always given the choice, it becomes unfair. Because society expects women to carry children to term, outlaws it in many areas, and creates a number of complicated situations in which women are not given the choice. It is then unreasonable for men to have the option to opt out and leave those women stuck being single mothers.

I believe if women's choices in reproductive rights were not stigmatized, that would quite easily lead to men been given the same choices.

please also tell me some positive things that you have done for men

If I do "something positive" for men, I'm not doing it under the title of being a feminist. I'm not really a "activist" for anything I do, but a lot of feminism and other things are all about knowledge, and education. Simply talking about these issues with people can help. So if I talk about men's issues just like when I talk about women's issues, maybe I'm helping men.

The title of "feminist" is about a belief system I have about societies treatment of women, Women like my sister, my mother, my wife, who are all very important to me. So really, helping women is one of the most important things you can do for men. Because men and women are not at odds, we don't live in separate camps that fight each other. If people do things to make the world a better place for the women I know, you have helped me greatly.

/r/feminisms Thread