Why are some women anti-feminist?

Although feminism can have many facets and groups, it has a clear dictionary definition - believing men and women should have equal rights and not be discriminated by gender on any grounds - and I feel that openly denying support for it because of some bad apples is detrimental to the overall cause, for it further worsens the concept, tarnishes the name, and makes people not want to support wholesome rights movements.

If you believe in the definition, you are by definition a feminist, and I feel that people who believe in its true definition should work to shine light on its original purpose and its wholesome objective of unbiased equality.

Nondenominational, loving Christians who truly follow the principles of unconditional love for others are working to show people what Christianity is supposed to be when it isn't warped by radicalism, bias, and personal gain. Although I'm agnostic, I see that their perspective and objective is loving and wholesome and a beautiful representation of that religion.

I believe that everyone who believes the true definition of feminism shouldn't fear the association with the word but instead embrace it, and show others what it is truly meant to be. The more that people disassociate with that label, I fear, the more we are in danger of being set back from our goal, and allows the extremes of either side of the spectrum - the misandrists and the misogynists - to have a victory.

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