Write Code Every Day

Most people in any profession view it as an inconvenience that stands between them and sitting in their room watching Netflix in their own filth endlessly. Or raising a family, or hanging out with friends, or whatever. So they pick a career that they can tolerate enough to where they aren't constantly wishing for death, claim that they 'enjoy' their work, and try to put as much distance between their 'real life' and job as possible. It's really depressing, to be honest, that it seems almost nobody cultivates a skill they are passionate about. Clearly a lot of programmers on this sub hate or, best case, barely tolerate programming, seeing as how they've violently downvoted the comments above suggesting that they might MAYBE be able to spend 30 mintues outside work on coding.

(And inb4 "muh super busy life, omg!" - you chose to fill your time with voluntary activities. Nobody is going to fire you if you get to the bar 30 minutes late. And if your family monopolizes your time - congratulations, you chose to do something besides coding and clearly aren't the target audience for the post since you wouldn't have the 30 minutes to spare on ANYTHING. AND, speaking as someone who works more than 40 hours a week, goes to school full-time, AND regularly spends nights partying and drinking with friends, I STILL easily code outside work or school for 30 minutes every day. So to the people who claim that there is no time in a modern life for outside coding - shut the fuck up.)

Anyway, I am frankly shocked that so many people on here are so negative about coding at home. The simple fact is, if you really enjoy coding then you probably already make time for it in your personal life. If you don't enjoy coding, then you only do it at work. Period. It makes ABSOLUTELY no sense that people would refuse to do something they enjoyed outside work. There are weekend days I've spent 14 hours coding on projects I knew I wouldn't even finish, just to try something new. I read programming books for fun. I talk to my friends about programming. I code hobby projects with friends. I spend a lot of time on this subreddit. Why? Because I ACTUALLY enjoy coding. Work code is just a different flavor and style of coding. It's a fun game with a lot of special restrictions, but the real joy is coding for yourself because you can do whatever you want, however you want to. The fact that this issue is so controversial basically proves that a significant chunk of this sub dislikes coding.

/r/programming Thread Parent Link - medium.com