Does anyone else really dislike meal prepping and eating leftovers? How do you go about with your meals?

Here's what I eat almost every day--something I've settled on after many years of trial and error and realizing that I can't count on myself to make meals ahead of time. My budget is 1600 calories at my current weight/goal/activity level, but you could just decrease the quantities of the most calorific foods (eggs, avocado, salami, etc.) to get down to 1200.

I had trouble sticking to previous plans because of 1) relying on cooking big batches of good stuff ahead of time and 2) feeling hungry/foggy in a way that was interfering with work and school. I've found that this plan keeps me satisfied without feeling foggy, maybe because it's so high in fat.

Breakfast: * Two slices of Ezekiel toast with 1.5 tbsp almond butter * Cold-brew coffee (this is the only thing I make ahead, but it just involves weighing 39 g of pre-ground coffee, putting it in a vessel with 1 c water, stirring, and covering; in the morning I strain it through a rinsed paper filter while my toast is toasting)

Snack: an apple or other fruit

Lunch: * 2 eggs, scrambled in 1 tbsp olive oil with 1/4 onion * 1 oz. dry salami * Green salsa or ketchup

Snack (optional, if I'm hungry and/or need more caffeine): sweetened coffee made from 3 tbsp International Coffee mix

Dinner: * Big salad (lettuce, bell pepper, mushroom, green onion) with 1 oz. shaved parmesan cheese and 1/2 an avocado * Salad dressing: 2 tbsp olive oil, 1 tbsp balsamic vinegar, salt, and pepper * 7/8 oz. dark chocolate

When I didn't have access to a kitchen in the middle of the day to make scrambled eggs, I used to pack two tortillas, sliced cucumbers and onion, and 1/4 cup hummus, and assemble everything into wraps at lunchtime. That was good but less satisfying (still basically no prep required--you can slice the cucumbers and pack everything while you're making breakfast).

/r/1200isplenty Thread