I want to write extremely overpowered characters doing over the top things. Should I forget trying to publish such stories as novels and shoot for screenwriting instead?

This is a very difficult question to answer for us, at least regarding novel vs. screenplay, because all we know about your creative vision is that you are interested in "overpowered" characters doing "plant-busting" type magic. When it comes to writing, a compelling story can make the seemingly mundane very magical. It is also the case that clumsy writing will often render content that should be epic totally dull. What kind of challenges or conflict does a protagonist face when he can snap his fingers and destroy the universe or start over from the beginning of time? There is absolutely room for characters with powers that make them kindred to gods, if you can manage to skilfully motivate conflict in their lives. Perhaps your overpowered character is struggling with the notion of intervening in the lives of mere mortals and ruminating on the possible consequences of meddling. Perhaps these powers are new or not fully understood and he unintentionally damages someone or something in a way that he is powerless to fix. Though powerful, perhaps he is beholden to forces outside his control, or this power is in some way exerting a corrupting or purifying force on his psyche.

If you can find ways to genuinely challenge your powerful characters and tell a compelling story without it degenerating into some formulaic "bad guy 1 attacks main character, main character unleashes super power, bad guy 1 is defeated... bad guy 2 attacks main character..." then go for it! For the sake of both readers and prospective publishers, I would definitely lead the story with the characters flaw or conflict very, very early, to make it clear that something meaningful is at stake despite the characters power very early.

/r/fantasywriters Thread